Rebecca Gratz: Rebecca’s Lullaby

Rebecca Gratz: Rebecca’s Lullaby

With every need she saw, she formed a society to meet it.   Rebecca Gratz could not see the widows and orphans of the Revolutionary war without doing something to ease their suffering — with every need she saw, she formed a society to meet it. She was a...

Rose Fortune: Spicy Ginger Rose

Rose Fortune left no words behind – only actions. As a freed slave in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia she started a carting business, hauling luggage and freight with her wheelbarrow. She also offered a wake up service, and was soon the self appointed law of the...
Artemisia Gentileschi: Go For Baroque

Artemisia Gentileschi: Go For Baroque

Artemisia Gentileschi is the most renowned female painter of the baroque era, and only female follower of Caravaggio’s dramatic realism.   Still, Artemisia’s earliest paintings were all sold bearing her father’s signature. In spite of her successful career,...
Ada Lovelace: Enchantress of Numbers

Ada Lovelace: Enchantress of Numbers

Ada Lovelace, the mathematician who wrote the earliest known algorithm. Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. 🎨🔬She was literally the daughter of art and science. 👾 Although her father, the...